Friday, January 2, 2015

Which carrier is best?- A Year of Rented Carrier Reviews for Baby Wearing International

Let me preface by saying that I love to save money. I think I get some sort of high from saving money. I considered buying my own carrier, and actually did get a bjorn, and still use it at times. So far, the Bjorn is my husband's absolute favorite. I wanted something with bigger straps, but didn't want to pay the money. I became a member of Baby Wearing International, through word of mouth from some moms I met at Baby yoga. The membership is $30 a year and they have a meeting every month with a lending library. I have selected a different buckle carrier, so far, each month, so one of the admin has asked me to write some reviews. Perhaps this will be helpful if you are looking to buy or borrow a carrier.

October 2014- The Ergo baby

I liked this buckle carrier a lot. Wilson seemed to like it as well. We went hiking with him in it, and walked a lot this whole month. He slept almost every time I put him in it. It is very comfortable to wear. My back did hurt a little after a couple of hours of wearing it. The material that it is made of what seems like it would last forever. I loved the roomy pocket in front for keys, wallet, phone, etc. My husband said he didn't want me to put my phone in there because of the radioactive waves. My husband said he didn't like this carrier either, because it didn't fit his body type well. He is long and lanky, but it fit my body type fine.

November 2014- The Tula

At first, especially, I thought that I liked this carrier way better than the Ergo. In hindsight, I think it may have been because it was cute, and mommas are willing to pay so much more for these carriers than any other ones.  I think it's just for the prints. There is no way I would pay more than $100 for a carrier, but that's just me. My husband didn't mind this one as much as the Ergo, but Wilson absolutely hated it when Changhee wore him in it, because his torso is so long and Wilson wasn't able to see out the top of the carrier. He screamed almost every time Changhee tried to carry him in it, and would have none of it. He seemed content enough when I carried him it though. I'm not sure if my review of how my child acted is great, though, because he started hardcore teething when we started using this carrier. 

December 2014- The Lillebaby

I like this carrier because he can face me or face the world, like the Bjorn, but it is much more comfortable. I did not like the fact that there wasn't a snap to hold the hood. The design on the front of this carrier I had was of birds, and was really cute, but no one was able to see the beautiful design, because the hood dangled in front of it the whole time. It felt somehow cheaper (Maybe it was the material?) than the carriers I previously used. All in all, it was fine, though. It got the job done, and Wilson would nap the whole time I was out shopping in it sometimes. (I need take a picture with this one.)

January 2014- The Boba

Review to come....

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