Sunday, April 8, 2012

Introduction of Jessica

Dear Reader,

Hi, my name is Jessica. I have tried blogging once before, but couldn't stay committed. A lot of friends told me to start a blog when I first started traveling. I should have started then. I would have remembered a lot more hilarious and important details to stories I will tell. Recently, I started working with a sweet amazing friend, who told me I should start a blog telling people of how I traveled debt-free to thirty countries and I will try to offer some advice for such things, if anyone is interested. However, I would much rather write about my ridiculous drunken nights, and dating stories. Please beware that if you are religious, you may not want to read my stories because you may find them disgusting and distasteful and it may prompt you to pray for my soul. On the other hand, if you are open-minded and like to hear ridiculous stories that you may only find in novels and such things, I think you will really enjoy my blog. I, of course will not use real names for anyone who has shared experiences with me. Please no one sue me and I will try to never give you cause to. No one will probably even read this right? So, no worries. I have started to write a book, but I figure a blog might be better. The reason being, I have no idea how invested I will become in writing this and I do not know of any editors or publishers. I'm just not that connected. Regardless of what you think, I hope you enjoy.


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